Professionals Page
Section 1 – Statement and Image (Noel)
Section 2 – Lawn Sign Section
Section 3 – PDF Documents
- This page has been set up with a PDF view and function as we discussed. The 4 across format displays well.
- The descriptions can be short and to the point or not used at all.
- The widget kit used is called “Professional Installers” in the WidetKit Library. Changes made to this WidgetKit will automatically display on the page.
- We can add the intro part at the top easily along with Noel’s picture. Please provide me with the statement from Noel and a photo before Monday.
- We can add the lawn signs part to this page easily and I will be working on this today.
- The PDF images are 200 px across. You will be making the various PDF images based on the specific PDF document. Each one can be a simple delete and replace in the WiedgetKit. The description needs to be inserted and the link to the proper PDF. In my notes, I have that you will do this once the Widegtkit has been set up but let me know if you need help with this.
- I will do the SEO for this page.